A Cold? Think again. It may be Mold.

If you’re suffering from a winter cold symptoms that only go away when you leave your house, what you’ve got is probably not a cold at all. It’s most likely an allergy.

One of the most common house allergies is to indoor mold. We’re not even referring to the toxic mycotoxins that mold creates. Even if there’s no mold currently growing, the human body develops a sensitivity to the proteins the cell walls of the spores are made of. This respiratory allergy accounts for much of the breathing problems (coughing, wheezing and hacking) that afflict families whose have residences where mold has taken a foothold.

Check for mold around where a water incursion may have occurred-around windows, doors, plumbing and roofing leaks. Check in areas like bathrooms and laundry rooms where high humidity has no outlet.

If this is your situation too, and you’re in California, you might want to give us a call and see about getting an assessment from Byebyemold.

If this is your situation too, and you’re in California, you might want to give us a call and see about getting an assessment from Byebyemold.

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