Rolling Brook Apartments Mold Infestation

We noted an apartment guide referring to the Rolling Brook apartments, and a review:

Phase I are older apartments (30+ years) with toxic mold in multiple locations such as the HVAC system, including the ductwork, sending mold spores and mycotoxins into your lungs and blood, causing irreparable damage to you and your family’s and your pet’s health. Management and the holding company, Gables Residential, have known about this issue for 10+ years and simply conceal the issue so as to avoid replacing all the ductwork. They try very hard to convince you that the porous insulation fiberboard ductwork can be cleaned, but the EPA, the CDC, the VRLTA, and your lease (see mold addendum para 6)and much more say this is the worst thing to do – it sends the spores out into the apartment, ruining your furniture, carpet, lungs, and blood. They also insist that it’s dust, not mold, but I’ve had it tested by 2 VA certified inspectors and sent samples to labs who veryify seriously toxic/deadly mold. The systems need to be replaced, but that would be too expensive for Gables. It’s all about the money, of course. Their tactics are intimidating, so that they can continue to collect their millions per month in rents. This is too serious to put out of your mind. Call the VA Dept of Consumer Affairs to learn your legal rights. Pay your rent into the PWC General District Court escrow account rather than to Gables. Educate yourself and stay healthy. If you’re already in the apartments, get the heck out as fast as you can – RB says my “concerns” merit a discontinuance of my lease, and talk to your neighbors – they are at serious risk, too.

This review is seconded by another review which concurs:
This review is right. I have mold under my refrigerator, around the dryer, in the bathrooms, and am going to check my ductwork.

A Washington Craigslist article referring to “I recently discovered that my apartment is completely infested with a toxic mold. Gables Management is trying to force me out” has expired but there is still a moldcomplaint lodged at Complaint Now.

If you’re in California, you might want to give us a call and see about getting an assessment from Byebyemold.

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